Prof. Dr. Lütfi ÖZYÜZER (Chairperson)

B.Sc.: Phys. Eng., Hacettepe University, Turkey, 1991
M.Sc.: Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, 1995
Ph.D.: Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, 1999
Post-Doctoral Research:
Argonne National Laboratory, 1999-2000
Research Areas
- High temperature superconductors
- Conventional superconductors
- Point contact tunneling spectroscopy
- Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy
- Superconductor-insulator-normal metal/superconductor junctions
- Josephson junctions, Ion beam deposition/etching
- Magnetron sputtering
- UHV and low temperature characterization
- Photolithography
- Nanolithography, Terahertz waves
- lutfiozyuzer[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 05
- G 122
- Personal Webpage
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür ÇAKIR (Vice Chair)

B.Sc.: Bilkent University, 1998
M.Sc.: Bilkent University, 2000
Ph.D.: Bilkent University, 2005
Post-Doctoral Research:
Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2005-2009
Research Areas
- Theoretical Quantum Optics
- Condensed Matter Theory
- Quantum Information Processing in Sold State Systems
- ozgurcakir[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 76 87
- G 143
- Personal Webpage
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enver TARHAN (Vice Chair)

B.Sc.: Physics, Ege University, 1992
M.Sc.: Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology,1995
Ph.D.: Physics, Purdue University, 2004
Research Areas
- Semiconductor Physics
- Spectroscopy
- envertarhan[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 14
- G 135
- Personal Webpage
Asst. Prof. Dr. Gürcan ARAL

B.Sc.: Phys. Eng., Hacettepe University, 1991
M.Sc.: Physics, Louisiana State University, 1997
Ph.D.: Physics, Louisiana State University, 2003
Research Areas
- Computational Material Science
- Parallel Algorithm and Visualization for Large-Scale Materials Simulations
- High-performance computing
- Oxidation of Aluminum Nanocluster
- gurcanaral[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 17
- G 138
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Evren ATAMAN

B.Sc.: Physics, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, 2003
M.Sc.: Physics, İstanbul Technical University, Turkey, 2006
Ph.D.: Physics, Lund University, Sweden, 2011
Post-Doctoral Research:
Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012-2014
Research Areas
- Experimental (XPS, NEXAFS, STM) and computational (DFT) investigations for organic and/or inorganic interfaces
- evrenataman[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 04
- G 133
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan ATEŞ

B.Sc.: Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, 2003
M.Sc.: University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2006
Ph.D.: University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2011
Research Areas
- Solid-state quantum optics and Nanophotonics
- Non-classical light sources for quantum information science
- Quantum cryptology
- serkanates[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 27
- G 125
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Prof. Dr. Gülnur AYGÜN

B.Sc.: Phys. Eng., Ankara University, 1991
M.Sc.: Physics, Ohio State University, 1997
Ph.D.: Physics, Middle East Technical University, 2005
Research Areas
- Growth and in-situ ellispometric characterization of high k dielectrical materials
- Fabrication of MOS capacitors, High Frequency Capacitor-Voltage Measurements and Analysis
- Current-Voltage Measurements and Analysis of MOS capacitors
- Experience on various Ellipsometers, FTIR, Spectrophotometers
- X-ray Diffraction, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- UHV techniques, Experience on Nd-YAG Laser
- Familiarity with automated data acquisition systems
- Labview, UNIX, DOS, FORTRAN, Latex, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Kaleidagraph, OriginPro
- gulnuraygun[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 15
- G 136
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Prof. Dr. Nejat BULUT

B.Sc.: Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987
Ph.D.: Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), 1991
Post-Doctoral Research:
Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB, 1991-1992
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992-1994
Research Areas
- Theoretical condensed matter physics
- Many-body physics
- Computational physics
- Magnetism and superconductivity
- Correlated-electron materials
- nejatbulut[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 01
- G 132
- Personal Webpage
Prof. Dr. Cem ÇELEBİ (Vice Rector)

B.Sc.: Physics Engineering, Hacettepe University, 2000
M.Sc.: Physics/Nanophysics, University of Antwerp, 2005
Ph.D.: Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2009
Post-Doctoral Research:
Sabanci University, 2009-2012
Research Areas
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Graphene and Other 2D Materials
- Semiconductor Device Physics
- Scanning Probe Microscopy
- cemcelebi[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 11
- G 121
- Personal Webpage
Prof. Dr. Recai ERDEM

B.Sc.: Physics, Middle East Technical University, 1982
M.Sc.: Physics, Middle East Technical University, 1985
Ph.D.: Physics, Middle East Technical University, 1991
Research Areas
- Extra Dimensions
- Cosmology
- Discrete Space-Time Symmetries
- Symmetries of the standard model and its extensions
- recaierdem[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 03
- G 120
- Personal Webpage
Prof. Dr. Alev Devrim GÜÇLÜ

B.Sc.: Ecole Polytechnique, Université de Montréal, 1997
M.Sc.: Ecole Polytechnique, Université de Montréal, 1999
Ph.D.: McGill University, 2003
Post-Doctoral Research:
Cornell Univerity, 2003-2006
Duke University, 2006-2008
National Research Council Canada, 2008-2012
Research Areas
- Quantum, electronic, magnetic, and photonic properties of semiconductor and graphene nanostructures
- Correlated electron systems
- Spintronic nanostructures
- Many-body computational tools
- devrimguclu[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 13
- G 134
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Günnur GÜLER

B.Sc.: Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, 2008
M.Sc.: Physics/Biophysics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, 2010
Ph.D.: Physics/Biophysics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, 2014. Post-Doctoral Research:
Ege University, 2015-2019
Research Areas
- Applied Physics and Technology
- Biophysics, Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Biomedical Optics and Biophotonics
- Physicochemical characterization (nanoparticle, polymer, liposome)
- Interaction and binding mechanisms of molecules (Experimental)
- IR Spectroscopy, Far- & Near-UV CD Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Raman
- Protein (structure-function-stability), Proteolysis, Cell membrane proteins and fluidity
- Secondary-Tertiary structure determination, Characterization (Biosimilar drugs)
- Molecular docking simulation (Protein-Ligand Docking)
- gunnurguler[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77
- G 144
- Personal Webpage
Prof. Dr. Orhan ÖZTÜRK

B.Sc.: Phys. Eng., Ankara University, 1985
M.Sc.: Physics, Michigan State University, 1989
Ph.D.: Applied Physics, Colorado School of Mines, 1994
Post-Doctoral Research:
Colorado School of Mines, Golden,Colorado, 1995
Research Areas
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
- Applied Physics
- Physics of Materials
- Surface Modification of Materials with Ion Beams
- orhanozturk[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 08
- G 124
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sami SÖZÜER

B.Sc.: Physics, BogaziciUniversity, 1983
Ph.D.: Physics, University of Wyoming, 1992
Post-Doctoral Research:
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1992 -1994
Mississippi State University, 1994 -1995
Research Areas
- Photonic crystals
- Photonic Crystal waveguides
- Parallel computing
- samisozuer[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 77 02
- G 123
- Personal Webpage
Asst. Prof. Dr. Heeseung ZOE

B.Sc.: Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Sci. & Tech. (KAIST), 2001
M.Sc.: Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Sci. & Tech. (KAIST), 2003
Ph.D.: Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Sci. & Tech. (KAIST), 2009
Research Areas
- Theoretical high energy physics and cosmology
- Inflation theory and observations
- Small-scale structure of universe
- Black hole information physics
- Physics education research
- heeseungzoe[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 (232) 750 76 91
- G 142
- Personal Webpage