Enver Tarhan Publication List
- Growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 absorber layer on flexible metallic substrates for thin film solar cell applications,
S. Yazici, M. A. Olgar, F. G. Akca, A. Cantas, M. Kurt, G. Aygun, E. Tarhan, E. Yanmaz, L. Ozyuzer,
Thin Solid Films 589 (2015). - Optical phonons in Pb1-xEuxTe epilayers and PbTe/EuTe superlattices:
Berreman effect, Aigle, M; Pascher, H; Kim, H; Tarhan, E; Mayur, AJ; Sciacca, MD; Ramdas, AK; Springholz, G; Bauer, G,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 64 (3): Art. No. 035316 JUL 15 2001. - Lifetimes of hydrogen and deuterium related vibrational modes in silicon,
Budde, M; Lupke, G; Chen, E; Zhang, X; Tolk, NH; Feldman, LC; Tarhan, E; Ramdas, AK; Stavola, M,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 87 (14): Art. No. 145501 OCT 1 2001. - Lyman spectrum of holes bound to substitutional 3d transition metal ions in a III-V host: GaAs(Mn2+, Co2+, or Cu2+), GaP(Mn2+), and InP(Mn2+),
Tarhan, E; Miotkowski, I; Rodriguez, S; et al.,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 67 (19): Art. No. 195202 MAY 15 2003. - Direct observation of LO phonon-plasmon coupled modes in the infrared transmission spectra of n-GaAs and n-InxGa1-xAs epilayers,
Ibanez, J; Tarhan, E; Ramdas, AK; et al.,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 69 (7): Art. No. 075314 FEB 2004. - Broadened far-infrared absorption spectra for hydrated and dehydrated myoglobin,
Zhang, CF; Tarhan, E; Ramdas, AK; et al.,
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 108 (28): 10077-10082 JUL 15 2004. - Origin of a localized vibrational mode in a GaSb substrate with a MBE-grown ZnTe epilayer,
Kim, H; Tarhan, E; Chen, G; et al.,
SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 21 (9): 1224-1228 SEP 2006. - The structural, optical and morphological properties of CaF2 thin films by using Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA),
N. Emre Çetin, Şadan Korkmaz, Saliha Elmas, Naci Ekem, Suat Pat, M. Zafer Balbağ, Enver Tarhan, Sinan Temel, Murat Özmumcu,
Materials Letters 91, 175–178 (2013). - Investigation of the structure of alpha-lactalbumin protein nanotubes using optical spectroscopy,
Özgür Tarhan, Enver Tarhan and Sebnem Harsa,
Journal of Dairy Research, 81 98–106 (2014).